Thursday, September 20, 2012


I had to have a root canal last friday.  Pain, pain, pain.  They left side of my face was infected. 

Monday morning Boyd woke up with a migraine and just didn't feel well.  I took him to the dr.  Since he had a sore throat and our house is always getting strep, they wanted to do a strep test.  He LOST IT!  He dove under the chairs and refused to come out.  I went to pull him out and he went on a fast train to crazy town.  He started kicking and screaming and ripped my toenail off, then he kicked me in the face.  Now you see why I told you about my root canal, guess what side he kicked?  I know he didn't do it on purpose.  He ended up getting the test on the floor.  The first thing he said after... "hmm, it wasn't that bad"

he tested positive for strep and had to stay home until today.

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